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Email Security

Protect Users From Phishing and Malicious Content with Lookout

See how Lookout's phishing and content protection engine enhances security by blocking access to suspicious sites. Discover how remote browser isolation technology safeguards against zero-day phishing sites, preventing credential theft and malicious code execution on endpoint devices.

New Phishing Platform Targets Microsoft 365 Accounts at Financial Firms

Analysis of the latest phishing-as-a-service (PhaaS) platform ONNX Store highlights just how successful these platforms can be. Security analysts at threat intelligence vendor Eclectic IQ have been tracking ONNX Store, noting it’s a rebranded evolution of the Caffeine PhaaS platform. According to analysis, ONNX has been used to target financial institutions, “including banks, private funding firms and credit union service providers across the EMEA and AMER regions.”

The Importance of Email Security

Back in the early days of the internet, people looked forward to hearing that deep, robotic voice announcing “you’ve got mail!” Today, whether you like it or not, email is fundamental to personal and business communications. In 2022, people sent and received an estimated 333 billion emails daily, with the number expected to increase to 392.5 billion by 2026. Experiencing a security incident on your email server can interrupt business operations leading to lost revenue.

7 Phishing Awareness Training Methods You Should Know

Modern cybercriminals aren’t just after your average employee. They’re targeting DevOps engineers – the gatekeepers of critical infrastructure and valuable data. 90% of data breaches start with phishing. Traditional awareness training often needs more technical depth. These programs tend to focus on generic red flags (e.g., suspicious links and requests for sensitive information) that are easily recognized by most.

Exploiting EUROs excitement: Phishing attacks surge using major brands as bait

Following the kick-off of the UEFA EUROs 2024 in Germany, Egress’ Threat Intelligence team has observed a massive spike in Euros-related phishing attacks, recording 7,000 unique campaigns with over 24,000 individual attacks since June 17th, 2024. These attacks are more sophisticated than you might expect, with many attackers choosing to impersonate businesses associated with the tournament rather than impersonating UEFA directly.

Microsoft Warns Customers of Email Breach by Russian Hackers

In a recent security disclosure, Microsoft has warned more of its clients that Russian hackers have accessed emails exchanged between them and the company. This breach, attributed to the notorious "Midnight Blizzard" hacking group, has raised significant concerns about the security of communications with Microsoft.

Hacked Customer Support Portal Being Used to Send Phishing Emails

A hacked customer support portal belonging to router manufacturer Mercku is being used to respond to customer queries with phishing emails, BleepingComputer reports. If a customer files a support ticket through the company’s Zendesk portal, they’ll receive an automated response that attempts to trick them into granting access to their Metamask cryptocurrency account.

How to Navigate the Digital Landscape Safely

As cyber threats become increasingly sophisticated, it is essential to be proactive about protecting your personal information and ensuring your online activities remain secure. From social networking and online banking to telecommuting and e-learning, the digital realm offers unparalleled convenience and opportunities. However, this convenience comes with its own set of risks. Understanding how to protect yourself online is crucial for maintaining privacy, security, and overall well-being. We are listing below some essential tips for safely navigating the digital landscape.