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The Simply Cyber Report: October 31, 2022

The top cyber news stories you need to know about right now. Microsoft Security Threat Intelligence is reporting on the Raspberry Robin worm, having infected at least 3000 systems across 1000 organizations at time of this report. First reported by Red Canary in September, Raspberry Robin is spread via USB drive (yes this is still a viable attack vector, and very similar to how Stuxnet initially kicked off). It has very similar technical behavior to the FakeUpdates malvertising campaigns.

Cybersecurity startup founders roundtable

We are pulling together several cybersecurity founders to talk about their companies, their experiences, lessons they have learned, and things they wished they knew. All of this with the intent of imparting some knowledge and inspiring those that may be sitting on the sidelines. Innovation is the lifeblood of cybersecurity and we want to do everything we can to get more people in the game.

Developer Update: Managed rule set enhancements

The team at LimaCharlie has been heads down working on making some big improvements to the platform. This month we have been doing a lot of work to make the function of imported rules more visible. At LimaCharlie we believe cybersecurity needs to be transparent: the exact set of malicious activity and behavior you’re protected from should be known and you should be able to test/prove this. Users can now click on individual rules from Sigma and Soteria rulesets; they can see the content of all Sigma rules, as well as enable/disable individual rules from both rulesets.

How MSSPs can overcome challenging and uncertain economic times

Running an MSSP is no easy task. In this roundtable discussion, we are going to be exploring how MSSPs can thrive in these uncertain economic times. Security will continue to grow despite the economic conditions but client companies are going to become more price sensitive and this is going to impact MSSPs that compete on margin.