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Splunk TV - TV Companion

Introducing Splunk TV Companion, an iPad App that allows you to remotely control the content of multiple TVs. Save a dashboard layout on multiple TVs as a shortcut to quickly switch content when responding to alerts, or or split a single dashboard across a grid of TVs. Whether you have several TVs in a single location or are remotely managing a group of TVs across the globe, use Splunk TV to coordinate your workforce around important events from a central location and rapidly bring dashboards to the attention of those who need it.

Splunk Live Chat with The Hill: Cybersecurity Trends in the Public Sector

Join the LIVE cybersecurity discussion featuring: Topic: How cybersecurity in the public sector space has shifted over the course of the last year due to the introduction of cybersecurity legislation and federal agencies’ focus on Zero Trust as well as key federal certifications like FedRAMP and IL5.