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SQL Server hardening

To safeguard the SQL layer against common SQL-based attacks, including Denial of Service, Brute Force, and SQL injections, and to prevent privilege escalations, hardening the SQL server is of utmost importance. Achieving compliance and satisfying auditors also necessitates SQL hardening. By implementing SQL hardening measures at both the application and operating system levels, the organization can significantly reduce its attack surface and eliminate critical vulnerabilities.

Network security LAN Manager Authentication Level

The LAN Manager (LM) is a group of early Microsoft client/server software products that enable users to connect personal computers on a single network. Its features include transparent file and printer sharing, user security features, and network administration tools. In Active Directory domains, the default authentication protocol is the Kerberos protocol. However, if Kerberos is not available for any reason, LM, NTLM, or NTLMv2 can be used as an alternative.

Ensure 'Audit Kerberos Service Ticket Operations' Is Set To 'Success And Failure'

Auditing Kerberos service ticket operations is important for detecting hackers trying to use Kerberos as an attack vector. The default value of this configuration is to audit only successful events. This may eventually result in missing an attack or not having enough information to investigate it.