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Shifting Left with the Crowdstrike and AWS CI/CD Pipeline

CI/CD combines the practices of continuous integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD) to allow DevOps teams to deliver code updates frequently, reliably, and quickly. CI/CD emphasizes automation throughout the development lifecycle (Buid, Test, Deploy). By replacing the manual efforts of traditional development, code releases can happen more frequently, and with less bugs and security vulnerabilities. At CrowdStrike, we focus on integrating security into the CI/CD pipeline. As part of the functionality of CrowdStrike’s Falcon Cloud Workload Protection (CWP), customers have the ability to create verified image policies to ensure that only approved images are allowed to progress through the CI/CD pipeline and run in their hosts or Kubernetes clusters.

Automating Threat Intelligence with CrowdStrike Falcon Intelligence: Executive Update

CEO and Co-founder George Kurtz explains how CrowdStrike is the first company to combine the protective capabilities of endpoint protection with the predictive capabilities of threat intelligence and why it is the key to stopping breaches.

CrowdStrike Cloud Infrastructure Entitlement Management (CIEM)

Identity theft and overly permissive accounts are major challenges faced by organizations in public and hybrid cloud environments. Learn how CrowdStrike Cloud Identity and Entitlement Management (CIEM) can increase the security of your cloud infrastructure while simplifying management across clouds.

CrowdStrike Cloud Infrastructure Entitlement Management (CIEM)

Identity theft and overly permissive accounts are major challenges faced by organizations in public and hybrid cloud environments. Learn how CrowdStrike Cloud Infrastructure Entitlement Management (CIEM) can increase the security of your cloud infrastructure while simplifying management across clouds.

How to Protect Against Domain Impersonation with Falcon Intelligence Recon Typosquatting

Malicious actors leverage a technique called typosquatting to trick users into believing a falsified domain is legitimate. The fake domain can be used to trick users into visiting malicious site or trusting an email that they have received. CrowdStrike Falcon Intelligence Recon provides the ability to monitor for when key terms are identified in newly created or changed domains. This can be used to monitor brands or identify when a fraudulent domain is being used.