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`npm init JSQuiz` The JS trivia night where you can win prizes!

Hey there friends of JS! Now tell me... do you think you could be a master of JS? Maybe you’re also a local legend of trivia night? Even if you’re neither of those things… Come and have a blast with us LIVE, and win some awesome prizes!! Join us on May 11 for a live trivia game hosted by @snyksec and @BrisJS, Test your JavaScript and Node.js knowledge for a fun-filled evening. Swag, giveaways and bragging rights included!

Stranger Danger: Your JavaScript Attack Surface Just Got Bigger

Building JavaScript applications today means that we take a step further from writing code. We use open-source dependencies, create a Dockerfile to deploy containers to the cloud, and orchestrate this infrastructure with Kubernetes. Welcome, you're a cloud native application developer! As developers, our responsibility broadened, and more software means more software security concerns for us to address.