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Banking on ATM Big Data: How to use real-time transaction data to make your operations lean and customers keen

While the ATM channel remains a strategic part of a healthy omni-channel banking ecosystem, it is continuously under critical analysis within many financial institutions. The big challenge lies in maintaining ATM fleets as a profitable delivery channel.

Why a Multi-Layered Technology Approach is the Best Choice for Preventing ATM Cash-outs and Cybersecurity Attacks

Despite several recent high-profile attacks, ATM cash-out schemes that involve multiple attack vectors over a very large attack surface continue to happen. While traditional fraud system management tools will provide one layer of defense against cash-out attacks, common single point monitoring solutions still run a risk of being compromised.

DevOps: 8 Reasons for DevOps to Use a Binary Repository Manager on the Cloud

Cloud DevOps tools offer greater flexibility, rapid deployment, cloud automation, reduced IT costs, and low upfront costs with subscription pricing. Setting up your environment with Artifactory on the cloud on your choice provides unlimited scalability allowing you to grow according to your needs and is easily achieved by using cloud storage providers (Amazon AWS, Google GCP or Microsoft Azure) in your environment with Artifactory.

Taking My DevOps To The Cloud: The Essential Guide to Selecting a Binary Repository Solution

Software businesses of every industry and all sizes, from small startups to large enterprises, are looking for ways to accelerate their software development process in the race to innovate and deliver their offerings to their customers ahead of their competition.

INETCO Insight - Use cases to help you drive more business value from customer transaction data

Real-time transaction data has become a fundamental part of managing self-service channels and guaranteeing every interaction completes the way the customer expects. This is why banks, retailers and payment processors all over the globe are investing in powerful end-to-end data acquisition, real-time alerting and open data streaming capabilities.

JFrog Platform: An End-to-End Platform for Global DevOps

Today, we live in a very connected world, where our devices, homes and cars all communicate with each other, and every company with a product or service has the need to develop software. It is one of the primary mediums by which they strive to provide better products, services and solutions, and has become paramount to a company's success. To continuously improve their software, companies must have sound DevOps or DevSecOps practices in place.

Six Obstacles to Successful DevOps

In today's enterprises, software is your company's everyday face, whether through the desktop, the cloud, or a mobile device, to all parts of the globe. Cars are computers on wheels. Thermostats are data terminals. Banks live in your phone. In this new world, software updates serve customer's demands. Each one you deliver is your opportunity to renew - or, if botched, destroy - their trust. How can you make every update top-notch at top speed?

DevOps: 8 Reasons for DevOps to use a Binary Repository Manager

Over the last several years, software development has evolved from deploying products periodically to building them on an ongoing basis using CI servers. A company's end product may be built on a daily or even hourly basis. This means that DevOps must support the continual flow of code from the individual developer's machine to the organization's production environment.