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CISA's recommendations on how to recognize and avoid email scams

Just as remote work has grown at an unprecedented rate across the world, so too have the number of email scams. Email is now the most popular attack vectors among adversaries. We've prepared a guide to help you understand the anatomy of popular email-based scams, how they work, and what you can do to avoid them. Key insights from the e-book.

2020 Gartner Market Guide for Software Composition Analysis

The 2020 Gartner Market Guide for SCA is here! Recent Gartner survey finds that over 90% of organizations leverage OSS in application development - and as a result, security of open source packages was the highest ranked concern for respondents. These concerns have led to a growing market, addressed by various vendors for SCA tools that mitigate the risk of OSS. New trends emerge with devops on the rise - as the market shifts towards developer-friendly SCA tools.

How manufacturers can mitigate mobile phishing risks and accelerate innovation

As your manufacturing organization transforms to Industry 4.0, mobile and cloud remain strategic for reinventing your operations. Not surprisingly, malicious actors have taken note of how reliant we all are on mobile devices. From their perspective, mobile phishing is often the cheapest way to compromise an individual or a manufacturing operation.