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DoorDash Confirms Data Breach Impacting 4.9 Million Users

Food delivery service DoorDash announced in a blog post on Thursday that the company has suffered a data breach affecting millions of customers, workers, and merchants. The firm claims that an unauthorized party managed to access data belonging to 4.9 million DoorDash customers through a third-party service provider. An investigation into the security incident has determined that the unauthorized party accessed DoorDash user data on May 4, 2019.

What is Phishing?

Phishing is a cyber attack that gathers sensitive information like login credentials, credit card numbers, bank account numbers or other financial information by masquerading as a legitimate site. Personal information like social security numbers, phone numbers and social media account information are also common targets for cybercriminals who perform identity theft. Phishing scams trick victims by using social engineering to create a sense of urgency.

What is Threat Hunting?

If you are involved in the cyber security processes, you must have heard of the term threat hunting. In this article, we discussed this rather popular concept in detail. Being one of the buzzing concepts of cyber security, threat hunting has been increasingly popular, but what does it refer to? Do you need it? Should you be doing it? We will answer all these questions in detail.

How to manage Internet of Things (IoT) security in 2019

Photo by BENCE BOROS on Unsplash Welcome to the world of Internet of Things (IoT) and a glimpse into the future. The IoT is where the physical world merges with the digital world. Soon, we expect the world IoT population to outnumber the human population tenfold—perhaps as many as 80 billion connected devices by 2025.

An introduction to penetration testing

The digital world has become a dangerous place. It’s like the Wild West (the movie kind, not the real kind, which was decidedly less wild than it’s portrayed), with outlaws out to do you harm and make off with your precious data. Fortunately, like any good western, there are also honour-bound gun slingers seeking to bring law, order and – most importantly – security to the digital landscape.

Airbus Hit by Cyber Attacks on Multiple Suppliers

Security sources have found that the European aerospace giant Airbus has been hit by a series of cyberattacks by hackers who targeted the company's suppliers in search of technical secrets, with suspicions the attack is linked to China. Two security sources involved in the investigation claim there have been four major attacks on Airbus within the last 12 months.

Enhancing Enterprise Security | ANLYZ

Organizations worldwide are grappling with the effects of cybersecurity breaches and its impact on business to enhance enterprise security. Hackers are willing to do what it takes to eavesdrop on vulnerable IT environments to steal intellectual property or sensitive information. They have the skills to infiltrate and break barriers in a highly connected and digitized business environment.

What is Ransomware?

Ransomware is a type of malicious software, or malware, designed to deny access to a computer system or data until ransom is paid. Ransomware spreads through phishing emails, malvertising, visiting infected websites or by exploiting vulnerabilities. Ransomware attacks cause downtime, data leaks, intellectual property theft and data breaches. Ransom payment amounts range from a few hundred to hundreds of thousands of dollars. Payable in cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin.

What is an Information Security Policy?

An information security policy (ISP) is a set of rules, policies and procedures designed to ensure all users and networks within an organization meet minimum IT security and data protection security requirements. ISPs should address all data, programs, systems, facilities, infrastructure, users, third-parties and fourth-parties of an organization.