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What does a compliance consultant do?

Let’s get one thing out there from the get-go. Being a Bulletproof consultant is awesome. I haven’t been coerced to say that. I mean, let’s start with that brand name. How cool is it to say I work for Bulletproof? I have several T-shirts with the logo emblazoned across the chest. Sometimes, I even wear them on a non-work day.

Compliance is not security

The recent hack on British Airways is alarming to say the least, and it’s not just because roughly 380,000 payment cards were compromised. British Airways is a huge company earning millions each year. These sorts of companies are heavily regulated and are required to be Level 1 PCI complaint (the highest level of compliance).

Vendor Risk: The Hidden Challenge of GDPR Compliance

The European Union’s GDPR regulations go into effect in May of this year. In essence, GDPR is a strict data privacy code that holds companies responsible for securing the data they store and process. Although GDPR was approved in April 2016, companies affected by the regulations are still struggling to reach compliance by the May 2018 deadline.