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Cyber Insurance: Is Paying a Ransom Counter-Productive?

Food for thought as discussed on May 18, 2023, an article posted in The Australian Insurance Council: Banning paying a ransom to cyber hackers is counter-productive where Andrew Hall, the Chief Executive of the Insurance Council of Australia (ICA), stated that “attempts to ban businesses from paying ransoms for cyber attacks risks eroding trust and relationships with government.”

Large-Scale "Catphishing" that Targets Victims Looking for Love

For all the recent focus on artificial intelligence and its potential for deepfake impostures, the boiler room is still very much active in the criminal underworld. WIRED describes the ways in which people in many parts of the world (Ireland, France, Nigeria, and Mexico) have been recruited to work as freelancers for a company that seeks to profit from lonely people looking for love. This is how a typical operation runs.

Phishing Tops the List Globally as Both Initial Attack Vector and as part of Cyberattacks

A new report covering 13 global markets highlights phishing prevalence and its role in cyber attacks when compared to other types of attacks. It’s difficult for me not to stand on my “phishing is a problem” soapbox when there exists stories and reports demonstrating that phishing continues to dominate as a security problem that isn’t being properly addressed.

New "Greatness" Phishing-as-a-Service Tool Aids in Attacks Against Microsoft 365 Customers

This new phishing toolkit is rising in popularity for its effective realism in impersonating not just Microsoft 365, but the victim organization as well. Security researchers at Cisco Talos have identified a new Microsoft 365 toolkit that actually creates a realistic login experience for the victim user, making it more dangerous to organizations.

KnowBe4 Celebrates Success of 60,000-Customer Milestone

We are thrilled to announce we have reached a milestone of 60,000 customer organizations globally, consisting of tens of millions of end users. KnowBe4 is a customer-driven organization. I truly believe that without excellent customer service, we do not exist, which is why I regularly emphasize the importance of fantastic customer service in our daily, organization-wide meetings.

The Number of Phishing Attacks Continues to Grow at a Rate of 150% Per Year

The latest Phishing Activity Trends Report from the Anti-Phishing Working Group (APWG) shows an unrelenting upward trend in the number of phishing attacks per quarter. Despite the alarm that the growth in the number of phishing attacks should generate, this report sheds some light on what seems to be working for cybercriminals if you dig a little deeper. According to the report.

Ransomware Gangs are "Big Game Hunting" as Victim Org Sizes and Ransom Payments Continue to Rise

Midsize and enterprise organizations take notice: the average and median amount of a ransom payment and the median size of the victim organization are on the rise. If you’re at all concerned about ransomware (and you should be), the latest details from ransomware response vendor Coveware’s latest Quarterly Ransomware Report should have your attention.

78% of Ransomware Victim Organizations Encounter Additional Threats-Turned-Extortions

New data sheds light on how likely your organization will succumb to a ransomware attack, whether you can recover your data, and what’s inhibiting a proper security posture. You have a solid grasp on what your organization’s cybersecurity stance does and does not include. But is it enough to stop today’s ransomware attacks?

FTC Warns of MetaMask and PayPal Phishing Campaigns

The US Federal Trade Commission has issued an alert warning of phishing campaigns that are impersonating PayPal and the MetaMask cryptowallet. “If you got an email that seems to be from MetaMask or PayPal, stop,” the FTC says. “They’re phishing scams. The MetaMask fake says your cryptocurrency wallet is blocked. And, if you don’t act fast, click a link, and update your wallet, they say your crypto will be lost.

The State of Organizational Cyber Defenses Impacts Cyber Insurance Availability, Cost, and Terms

A new report highlights the direct connection between how strong your organization’s security stance is and how easy it is to obtain cyber insurance. Like any insurance policy, the insurer has figured out the indicators of risk and includes a form of assessment when considering issuing you a policy. When you want to obtain car insurance, they ask about your driving record, where you live, and even what your credit score is – all to determine how much of a risk you are.