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Two-Thirds of Ransomware Attacks Against Manufacturing Resulted in Encrypted Data

As the rate of ransomware attacks steadily increased over time, there are clear indicators as to how these attacks are starting and, therefore, what can be done to stop them. With the exception of the Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report, we rarely get insight into specific industry verticals.

Phishing Campaigns Are Now Targeting the Hospitality and Tourism Ponds

A phishing campaign is targeting the tourism and hospitality industries, according to researchers at Votiro. “In this instance, the hacker booked a room at an international hotel and submitted a request for the hotel to get in touch with them immediately via WhatsApp about an urgent issue,” the researchers write. “Once the hotel employee engaged the customer over WhatsApp, the hacker responded with their request.

Australia's National Anti-Scam Centre: Prevention Is Better Than the Cure

Australia officially launched their National Anti-Scam Centre this week. With more than AUD $3.1 billion lost each year, Australians need support. With representatives from the banks, telecommunications industries and digital platforms, the intent of the center is to identify methods to disrupt all kinds of scams and reduce scam losses. While I completely support this initiative, it would be remiss of me not to highlight that the prevention of scams is perhaps as important as the cure.

Microsoft Teams Cyber Attack Exploit Tool Relies on Social Engineering to Deliver Malware

If your organization uses Microsoft Teams, then you definitely want to hear about a new way bad actors are exploiting this newly discovered cyber attack tool. "TeamsPhisher," a new tool recently discovered on GitHub, gives cybercriminals a new way to deliver malicious files directly to any Teams user. The genesis of this new cyber attack tool was published by the US Navy Red Team due to a recently discovered vulnerability in Microsoft Teams.

Email-Based Cyber Attacks in Europe Increase 7-Fold in Just One Year

An abnormally massive focus on business email compromise attacks in Europe has fueled an equally large growth in overall email attacks there, with the U.S. also seeing significant attack growth. We’ve seen a lot of recent reports looking back at 2022 to help provide insight into what to continue to expect this year. But new data from security analysts at Abnormal Security takes us well into June of this year, highlighting the problem of email-based attacks.

Camaro Dragon APT Group Continues to Employ USB Devices as Initial Attack Vector

Apparently expanding efforts outside of Southeast Asian countries, this threat group’s known malware has shown up in a European healthcare facility, raising concerns for USB-based attacks. You’d think that literally no one uses USB drives anymore, making them a very improbable attack vector. And yet, the Camaro Dragon APT group has been tracked by security researchers at Check Point for well over a year, with them finding instances of attacks throughout all of last year and into this year.

Amazon Prime Day Alert: Beware of Fake Logins, Gift Card Scams

A new threat alert from ConsumerAffairs and TrendMicro proves more than just shoppers will take advantage of Amazon’s upcoming Prime Day. As Prime Day approaches on July 11-12, ConsumerAffairs reports on a variety of scams bad actors are expected to use to take advantage of online shoppers looking for a good deal: Trend Micro's research team identified.

New Report Shows Social Engineering and Business Email Compromise Attacks Have Drastically Increased in 2023

Email-based social engineering attacks have risen by 464% this year compared to the first half of 2022, according to a report by Acronis. Business email compromise (BEC) attacks have also increased significantly. “One out of 76, or 1.3%, of the received emails were malicious,” the researchers write. “Phishing remains the number one threat, with these attacks making up 73% of the total.