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[Head Start] Effective Methods How To Teach Social Engineering To An AI

Remember The Sims? Well Stanford created a small virtual world with 25 ChatGPT-powered "people". The simulation ran for 2 days and showed that AI-powered bots can interact in a very human-like way. They planned a party, coordinated the event, and attended the party within the sim. A summary of it can be found on the Cornell University website. That page also has a download link for a PDF of the entire paper (via Reddit).

'Support' Tops the List of Combosquatted Domains Used in Phishing Attacks

A method used in domain impersonation attacks, combosquatting aids the threat actor by using a modified domain name to further increase the credibility of an attack. If you aren’t familiar with the term combosquatting, it’s where a threat actor takes a legitimate domain – let’s use companyco.tld and combine another phrase with the domain name to create something like support-companyco.tld.

Affinity Phishing Attacks Use Social Engineering Tactics to Prey on Victims

Affinity phishing scams are ones in which criminals cultivate trust in their prospective victims by trading on common background, either real or feigned. Thus a fraudster might claim a common religion, a shared military background, membership in a profession, or a common ethnicity, all with the goal convincing the victim that they can be trusted. What follows all too often one can readily imagine.

Win The AI Wars To Enhance Security And Decrease Cyber Risk

With all the overwrought hype with ChatGPT and AI…much of it earned…you could be forgiven for thinking that only the bad actors are going to be using these advanced technologies and the rest of us are at their mercy. But this is not an asymmetric battle where the bad actors use AI and the rest of us are struggling using our pencils and abacuses to catch up. It is the good side that invented and is accelerating AI. It is the good scientists that made ChatGPT and all of its competitors.

Recent Artificial Intelligence Hype is Used for Phishbait

Anticipation leads people to suspend their better judgment as a new campaign of credential theft exploits a person’s excitement about the newest AI systems not yet available to the general public. On Tuesday morning, April 11th, Veriti explained that several unknown actors are making false Facebook ads which advertise a free download of AIs like ChatGPT and Google Bard.

[Jaw-Dropper] FTX's Cybersecurity Was Hilariously Bad

4/11/2023 - Gizmodo just dropped this eye-roll inducing news. The disgraced crypto exchange had no dedicated cybersecurity staff and "protected" users assets with minimal safeguards, according to new bankruptcy filings. Here are just two paragraphs of the whole story. The whole thing is unbelievable.

1 in 8 Email Threats Now Make It Past Email Security Solutions

Phishing attacks that can evade detection by email scanners are improving their chances of reaching the inbox, thanks to an increase in the use of one specific attachment type. According to new data found in HP Wolf Security’s latest Security Threat Insights Report for Q4 of 2022, 13% of all email threats being sent make their way past layered email security defenses to reach the user’s inbox. This, up from the previously published finding of 11.7% of threats doing so by Acronis.

Recently Exposed North Korean Threat Actor APT43 Targeting Organizations With Spear Phishing

Google’s Threat Analysis Group (TAG) has published a report describing the activities of “ARCHIPELAGO,” a subset of the North Korean state-sponsored threat actor APT43. ARCHIPELAGO’s operators frequently impersonate real journalists or experts in order to make initial contact with their targets.