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Digital footprint: All about electronic footprint and how to leave minimal digital trace

Whenever we browse anything on the internet or perform any activity, we leave our trails on the internet. Those trails are digital trails and are called digital footprints. Here we have used the word activities that include everything like visiting a website, sending emails and submitting any information in any online form.

Difference between Network Monitoring and Network Security Monitoring

It seems like every other day; we hear about another company that has been hacked and its customers’ personal data compromised. In the wake of these incidents, it’s more important than ever for businesses to take steps to protect themselves from cyber-attacks. One way to do this is by implementing a network monitoring and security monitoring solution.

How to write a GDPR Data Protection Policy? Free Template

Data privacy rules have never been crucial for organisations to follow until the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) enforcement. This blog is divided into two sections. The first section will discuss a general overview, definitions and common queries related to a data protection policy. The second section will explain how a business can write and operationalise a data protection policy.

Mobile Device Security Guide: Securing your iOS and Android devices

There’s no doubt that mobile devices have become an integral part of our lives. We use them to stay connected with friends and family, get directions, check the news, and more. They’re always with us, convenient, versatile (texts, messages, calls, Internet, etc), keep us connected and loads another top reasons….in short, making our life easier! This is where mobile device security comes in, which helps protect your device from potential threats.

What is Lateral Movement in cyber security? Different ways to prevent it

Lateral movement refers to the techniques that a cyber attacker uses. Once getting access to a corporate network, the attackers don’t stop there. They move around throughout the entire network, owning more computers and user accounts while exfiltrating data at the same time. They escalate their privileges to gain access to higher permissions and eventually access more confidential, critical and sensitive data.

Understanding cyber security vulnerabilities

Every other day, a new cybersecurity breach compromising common or 0-day vulnerability is reported. The rapid shift of digital businesses and remote work opened a whole arena for cyber attacks and increased the demand for solid defences. But, to stay ahead of adversaries, it is critical that you know what cyber security vulnerabilities are after too.