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The role of AI in Cyber Security

As artificial intelligence (AI) becomes more and more prevalent in society, it is also making its way into the world of cyber security. AI can be used in a number of ways to help improve cyber security, including by automatically detecting and responding to threats, improving network efficiency, and helping to identify vulnerabilities. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the ways that AI is changing cyber security and how it can help your business stay safe online.

Secure software development lifecycle (SDLC) Best Practices

With all the remote works, online businesses, and digital lifestyle, applications (software) have become an integral part of our lives. In contrast, the growing rate of data breaches and cyber-attacks exploiting minor glitches in application functionality has diverted attention to application security which is still underrated in the era of phenomenal technological advancement.

AWS Security Best Practices

Using security best practices helps businesses establish a security baseline and protect their AWS infrastructure from potential risks. By implementing these practices, companies can reduce the likelihood of data breaches, leaks, and other threats. Additionally, using security best practices can help businesses detect and respond to threats more quickly and effectively.

Privilege Escalation Attacks: Types, Examples and Defence

When a system is breached, compromised or exploited, the attackers never stop after getting the initial access because it doesn’t give them privileged access. And the same thing goes in an offensive security assessment, i.e. infrastructure penetration testing or a red team assessment.

GDPR privacy by default examples, privacy by design concepts

The General Data Protection Regulation, a GDPR, requires business entities to put appropriate technical and organisational measures in place and implement privacy-compliant procedures and processes. The need to implement the data protection principles is to guard the safety of customers’ default personal data and protect natural persons’ rights. This requirement leads to addressing the guide of data privacy by design and by default.

Kerberos Authentication: Basics to Kerberos attacks

Developed by MIT, Kerberos Authentication Protocol is the default authentication service for Microsoft Active Directory. It is named after the three-headed dog (Cerberus) found in Greek mythology, because the security protocol involves three major steps in the entire authentication process. Although Kerberos is a technology used by Microsoft Windows, by default, its implementations in other operating systems, such as Linux, FreeBSD and macOS, are also present.

What is Ethical Hacking? Working, Techniques and Jobs

In the past, if someone called themselves hacker chances are, they received some backlash or negative connotations. However, in recent times as the field of information is on the rise a new term ‘Ethical Hacking’ has emerged and opened many different avenues for IT and cyber security professionals.

Defense in Depth - Definition & Relation to Layered Security Approach

As the use of technology increases in every aspect of our daily lives, the rate of cyber attacks also grows exponentially. In today’s world, organisations need to be highly equipped in their defences against cyberattacks so that they may better protect their assets, and it is here that the defence in depth approach is adopted.

Tiny Banker Trojan

While living in the 21st century, no one can live off offline modes of payment all the time. Financial institutions, especially banks, have gone the extra mile to ease the process for their clients in the meantime, attracting cybercriminals and their ever-changing malware as threats to their information security. Tinba is one such threat especially plaguing Windows. Read on to know more about the tiny virus and its not so tiny implications.

How To Send A Secure Email In Outlook

Sensitive data leaks are too common in the headlines these days, and there is no need to waste space explaining why it is essential to secure your sensitive information. Secure encryption is one such method to ensure your email messages are encrypted to be read-only by the intended recipients. Sending an encrypted email message is the need of the hour for business or professional practice and Outlook encryption is the best possible solution available in the market.