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AI - The Good, Bad, and Scary

AI and machine learning (ML) optimizes processes by making recommendations for optimizing productivity, reducing cycles, and maximizing efficiency. AI also optimizes human capital by performing mundane & repetitive tasks 24x7 without the need for rest and minimizing human errors. There are numerous benefits as to how AI can benefit society. As much as AI can propel human progress forward, it can be consequential to our own detriment without proper guidance.

The Growing Importance of CAASM in Company Cybersecurity Strategy

The recent years' events, including the proliferation of ransomware, the pandemic, and political tensions, have fast-tracked the development of both offensive and defensive tools in the cyber domain. Cybersecurity concepts that were nascent a few years ago are now being refined, demonstrating the practical benefits of modern digital risk management strategies.

Decoding the Cybersecurity Implications of AI's Rapid Advancement

The genius at the heart of AI—its ability to sift through mountains of data, actually spot a needle in a haystack, and act on threats before they blossom into full-scale emergencies—it’s undeniable. However, here’s the rub—every part of that impressive arsenal? It’s also up for grabs by the other side, and can (and will) arm them to launch attacks of unprecedented sophistication and elusiveness, the likes of which we’ve thankfully never seen up to now.

Exploring the risks of eye-tracking technology in VR security

Virtual reality (VR) offers profound benefits across industries, particularly in education and training, thanks to its immersive nature. Through derivatives, such as 3D learning environments, VR enables learners to gain a deeper understanding of theoretical concepts more quickly and efficiently.

Commercial spyware: The stealthy threat

It can be difficult to over-estimate the benefits that we accrue from the use of technology in our day to day lives. But these benefits have come at a price which has redefined what we expect in terms of privacy. As a member of Generation X, which came of age at the dawn of the Internet era and witnessed the rise of an entire industry built on consumer information analytics, I have on occasion struck my own Faustian bargains, offering up my personal data in exchange for convenience. As have we all.

25 Essential Cybersecurity tips and best practices for your business

Cybercrime is quickly becoming one of the biggest threats worldwide, impacting businesses across all sectors. To avoid the risk of a damaging security breach, it's crucial to stay updated on the latest cybersecurity tips and practices. Protecting yourself or your business from cyberattacks can be tough. But there are several cybersecurity tips that can help defend against attacks. We've gathered a list of 25 most effective tips for you to adopt and share with others.

The role of proxies in e-commerce: Boosting online retail success

Just as the heart keeps the body going, unseen and often not thought about unless something goes wrong, so do proxies serve as the hidden engines that power the bustling world of online retail. They are the invisible assistants that work hard to ensure the storefront—that shiny website filled with enticing products—remains the focus of our shopping experience.

Incident readiness is crucial for state and local governments

Local governments in the United States faced a surge in cyber threats during the latter half of 2023, with over 160 cybersecurity incidents impacting the State, Local, and Education (SLED) sectors. Alarming statistics reveal that many of these incidents were ransomware attacks (45%) and data breaches (37%). As custodians of vast amounts of personal and private information, local governments are entrusted with safeguarding sensitive data against evolving cyber threats.