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October 2022

Solving Cross-Border Payment Challenges: New Players, New Risks, and New Technology

Over the last few years, rapid digital payment adoption and technology development have played an essential role in making international money transfers cheaper, faster, and easier than they were decades ago. The volume of cross-border transactions is now expected to grow to $39.9 trillion by 2026, as these payments are essential in the interconnected economy.

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Monitoring Transaction Log Files for PCI compliance

File Integrity Monitoring, aka as FIM, is a must-have feature for anyone in charge of security. With FIM, one can detect when a critical file, such as a file that belongs to the Operating System, or a key configuration file, is changed. In most cases, configuring FIM is straightforward: If the file changes then generate an alert.

Stepping up your security: Protect your network monitoring environment using SHA-2

While the internet grows, so does the online presence of businesses of every scale. Although this allows for seamless business operations, you have to also consider the risks involved. Since organizations rely on networks to carry out their activities and utilize a wide range of networking components like routers, switches, servers, firewalls, and VMs, all of which demand continuous end-to-end management, it is critical to protect and defend these networks from threats and attacks.

Difference between Network Monitoring and Network Security Monitoring

It seems like every other day; we hear about another company that has been hacked and its customers’ personal data compromised. In the wake of these incidents, it’s more important than ever for businesses to take steps to protect themselves from cyber-attacks. One way to do this is by implementing a network monitoring and security monitoring solution.

Dark Web Monitoring Tools - These 5 Features Are a Must

It may sound counterintuitive, but the Dark Web presents an invaluable opportunity for businesses to flip the script on hackers. The Dark Web remains a relatively hidden digital space that comprises upwards of 5 percent of the entire internet. This is where cybercriminals go to peddle sensitive and valuable data after breaching vulnerable business networks.