Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

July 2023

Enhanced Data Analysis with Synthetic Datasets

Large data can offer a massive affordable advantage for companies. Scientists, information analysts, marketing professionals, and advertisers rely upon receiving valuable insights from substantial pools of consumer information. When examined correctly, this information can provide valuable insight for organizations that understand how to use it. The regular procedure of gathering and arranging massive datasets can be taxing, as well as resource-intensive.

Not all cybersecurity analytics are created equal: What CISOs should look for

Cybersecurity leaders are always working to make smarter investments to improve their programs. Not only do they look to reduce risk from the expanding attack surface and manage supply chain risk, they’re also juggling external pressures from regulators, insurers, and shareholders. As leaders look to technology solutions to help, many look at data analytics to reduce their organization’s risk, manage exposure, and improve overall program performance.