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May 2024

Level Up Your MSP Game

Attending industry events is quite possibly one of the most important requirements of running a successful managed service provider (MSP) business. Why? On the one hand, a few days away from the day-to-day grind of running your MSP to instead network with your peers and enjoy some MSP swag seems like the perfect opportunity to unwind while staying connected. On the other (equally as important!) hand is all the great learning going on.

JumpCloud and Google: Even Better Together

It’s been just over a year since JumpCloud and Google announced a strategic partnership to seamlessly manage your Google Workspace identities, the access they need, from any device leveraging one platform. You may be wondering what’s new, how it’s going for our customers and partners, and what benefits they’re getting from the joint solution? This article provides a condensed set of resources that make it simpler to get started with a demo or simulations.

How Are SMEs Approaching AI?

Have you heard about AI yet? Just kidding. We know you have. Recently, AI’s popularity has skyrocketed among businesses and consumers alike. This surge was driven by a combination of technological advancements (e.g., machine learning, natural language processing, and data analytics) with an increase in tool accessibility and user-friendliness.

What's an Identity Provider (IdP)?

You could have the strongest firewalls, encryption, anti-malware, vulnerability scanners, and risk management tools in the world and still leave one critical gap in your cybersecurity infrastructure — insider threats. And most of those threats come from poor identity management. But what, exactly, is good identity management? How do you pick the right identity provider for your organization?

5 Cybersecurity Lessons We Can Learn from Star Wars

A long time ago in a movie theater far, far away, a little film by the name of “Star Wars” took the world by storm and changed the course of sci-fi, cinema, and pop culture for decades to come. But believe it or not, this intergalactic tale of droids and lightsaber duels can actually teach us a lot about the importance of cybersecurity. As it turns out, if the bad guys had been a little more security-savvy, the film might have ended quite differently.