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March 2024

Election Security: Defending Democracy in Today's Dynamic Cyber Threat Landscape

With over 50 countries heading to the polls this year, including major economies like the U.S., India and the U.K., 2024, one way or another, will be a defining year with over 4 billion voters – around half the world’s population – participating in the democratic process.

Enterprise Browsers Need to Secure Identities Without Compromise

Now is the time. It’s been over 30 years since the introduction of the first web browser. Since then, the browser has evolved into an application that allows us to stream entertainment, work and interact through social media. It’s the most widely used application among consumers … and now the enterprise. Unfortunately, there’s little separation between work and personal life when you use a browser designed for consumer use.

EP 48 - What's Driving the Future of Automotive Security

In this episode of the Trust Issues podcast, Kaivan Karimi, Global Partner Strategy and OT Cybersecurity Lead – Automotive Mobility and Transportation at Microsoft, discusses with host David Puner the complexities of the automotive cybersecurity ecosystem, and they explore the challenges and considerations facing the industry.

How to Align Your Security Strategy with NIST Cybersecurity Framework 2.0

After a decade in the making – or waiting, as the case may be – the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has released the first major revision to its Cybersecurity Framework (CSF), a set of voluntary standards and best practices for managing cybersecurity risks. NIST CSF 2.0, released on Feb 26, 2024, expands the scope and applicability of the framework to cover more types of organizations and industries, including the private sector, government and nonprofits.

Why Identity Security Is Essential to Cybersecurity Strategy

In the modern digital landscape, cybersecurity isn’t just a technical challenge – it’s a business imperative. At the heart of cybersecurity is identity security – the principle that the right people have the right access at the right time. As we venture further into the digital world, protecting the business from modern threats is crucial, which inherently adds complexity, making smart privilege controls a must-have step toward an identity-first strategy.

EP 47 - Digital Trust and the Identity Cornerstone

In this episode of Trust Issues, Jan Vanhaecht, the Global Digital Identity Leader at Deloitte, Belgium, delves into the intricate realms of digital trust and risk management with host David Puner. The discussion covers topics ranging from the impact of regulations on cybersecurity practices to the pivotal role of identity in building a robust security culture.

Why Your Organization Needs Dynamic Secrets and Rotation

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, organizations confront a formidable array of cyber threats, with attacks and data breaches becoming increasingly prevalent. As businesses embrace transformative technologies such as AI, automation, cloud-native architectures, microservices and containerization, the proliferation of machine identities has surged, often surpassing human identities.