Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

January 2021

How to export and import Timelines and templates from Elastic Security

When performing critical security investigations and threat hunts using Elastic Security, the Timeline feature is always by your side as a workspace for investigations and threat hunting. Drilling down into an event is as simple as dragging and dropping to create the query you need to investigate an alert or event.

How to Contribute to Detection Rules in Elastic Security - Version 7.10

Elastic Security has open sourced all our detection rules to work alongside the security community to stop threats at scale and arm every analyst. As part of our belief in the power of open source, Elastic includes prebuilt rules within the Security App to detect threats automatically. In this video, you’ll learn how you can contribute by creating a new rule, adding your new rule to the detection rules repo, and getting credit for it in the Elastic contributor program.