Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

August 2022

SharePoint Online Security Best Practice Guide for MSPs

Despite the tight security services provided by Microsoft, we know how frequently SMEs' Office 365 is breached, either intentionally by hackers or inadvertently by carelessness. In such a scenario, it makes us wonder, can we fully trust Microsoft to protect us from mal actors in 2022?? The simple answer is yes. The complicated answer is: Microsoft is as secure as WE configure it. Does that make you uneasy?

Why MSPs need to Reconsider SIEM for Office 365 Security

In 2005, a new market emerged when Gartner coined the term "SIEM" OR Security and Information Event Management. Back then, it was a legacy system aggregating event data produced by security devices, systems, network infrastructures and applications. However, it lacked monitoring functionality and was limited to vertical scalability.