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February 2024

Restrict clients allowed to make remote calls to SAM

The “Network access: Restrict clients allowed to make remote calls to SAM” security policy setting manages which users are permitted to view the list of users and groups stored in both the local Security Accounts Manager (SAM) database and Active Directory through remote calls. This policy setting allows you to restrict remote RPC connections to SAM. If not selected, the default security descriptor will be used.

Harden Cipher Suites for Robust TLS/SSL Encryption

Cipher suites are a set of cryptographic algorithms utilized by the schannel SSP implementation of TLS/SSL protocols. These algorithms are employed to generate keys and encrypt data. Each cipher suite designates specific algorithms for the following functions: In TLS 1.2 and TLS 1.3, the NSA suggests using cryptographic settings that meet the standards in CNSSP 15, known as Commercial National Security Algorithms.

How SQL Server Audit is Your Secret Security Weapon

The SQL Server Audit object gathers individual occurrences of server or database-level actions and sets of actions for monitoring purposes. This audit operates at the SQL Server instance level, allowing for multiple audits per instance. Upon defining an audit, you designate the destination for result output. Before beginning a SQL Server audit pay attention to the limitations and restrictions associated with database audit specifications.

Securing DCOM with SDDL: Exploring Machine Access Restrictions for Enhanced Protection

SDDL, or Security Descriptor Definition Language, defines the string format that the ConvertSecurityDescriptorToStringSecurityDescriptor and ConvertStringSecurityDescriptorToSecurityDescriptor functions use to describe the security settings of an object in Windows as a text string. Think of it like a simple language for defining who can access an object (like a file, folder, or registry key) and what they can do with it.