Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

September 2022

Detecting the Manjusaka C2 framework

Security practitioners may know about common command-and-control (C2) frameworks, such as Cobalt Strike and Sliver, but fewer have likely heard of the so-called Chinese sibling framework “Manjusaka” (described by Talos in an excellent writeup). Like other C2 frameworks, we studied the Manjusaka implant/server network communications in our lab environment, and here we document some of the detection methods available. We have also open-sourced the content we describe.

Cloud Insecurities - How to threat hunt in hybrid and multi cloud environments

Amidst a record number of workloads moving to the cloud – security teams must not only confront the cyber-skills shortage, but also a general lack of cloud expertise. Corelight and guest Forrester will share best practices for building threat detection, hunting, and incident response capabilities to the cloud and upskilling your existing SecOps team. Watch this on demand webcast to learn.

SANS Protects: The Network

SANS Protects is a series of papers focused on the most prevalent threats to specific, critical components of your environment as well as actions you can take to mitigate those threats and thwart threat actors. In this webcast, sponsored by Corelight, SANS Certified Instructor Matt Bromiley will examine current, prevalent network threats and how adversaries use them to take advantage of, and maintain footholds in, victim environments.