Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

October 2021

The Callback is Coming From Inside the House

This bone-chilling webinar will cover: A spine-tingling hands-on-keyboard scenario of a motivated and capable insider threat working with the ghoulish adversary. Use of realistic and terrifying exploits and offensive security tools to simulate adversary TTPs, and how organizations are able to hunt for them. A practical threat hunting session demonstrating true behavioral hunting that walks participants through not only how the attack was carried out, but also how they can hunt for this insidious behavior in their own environments.

Take the Corelight challenge: Splunk's Boss of the SOC

Looking for some threat hunting and incident response practice that's more game than work? Check out the new Capture the Flag (CTF) challenges from Corelight, now available on Splunk’s Boss of the SOC (BOTS) website - just in time for.conf! Our two on-demand BOTS modules will show you how Corelight data in Splunk can accelerate your processes and help analysts spend more time analyzing and less time fumbling with queries and gluing together data sources.