Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

December 2020

Key Kubernetes audit logs for monitoring cluster security

Kubernetes continues to be a popular platform for deploying containerized applications, but securing Kubernetes environments as you scale up is challenging. Each new container increases your application’s attack surface, or the number of potential entry points for unauthorized access. Without complete visibility into every managed container and application request, you can easily overlook gaps in your application’s security as well as malicious activity.

Best practices for monitoring authentication logs

If you are running a user-facing web application, you likely implement some form of authentication flow to allow users to log in securely. You may even use multiple systems and methods for different purposes or separate groups of users. For example, employees might use OAuth-based authentication managed by a company-provided Google account to log in to internal services while customers can use a username and password system or their own Google credentials.

Share Datadog dashboards securely with anyone outside of your organization

Datadog dashboards provide a unified view of your application, infrastructure, and business data, giving stakeholders the context they need to make decisions. Sharing dashboards publicly is useful when you want to make them easily accessible to a large audience. But oftentimes, your dashboards include sensitive information, which is why you need finer-grained controls over the data you share—and who you share it with.

Collect and monitor Microsoft 365 audit logs with Datadog

Microsoft 365 is a suite of cloud-based productivity and communication services that includes Microsoft Office applications (including OneNote and OneDrive) as well as other popular Microsoft tools like Skype and Teams. Microsoft 365 tools and services are at the core of many organizations’ data management and day-to-day workflows, so monitoring activity across your environment is key to making sure that these services remain secure and meet compliance standards.

Integrate Datadog Compliance Monitoring with your AWS Well-Architected workloads

Many of our customers rely on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Well-Architected Framework as a guide to build safe, secure, and performant applications in the cloud. AWS offers the Well-Architected Review (WAR) Tool as a centralized way to track and trend adherence to Well-Architected best practices. It allows users to define workloads and answer a set of questions regarding operational excellence, security, reliability, performance efficiency, and cost optimization.

Accelerate security investigations with Datadog Threat Intelligence

Attackers (i.e., threat actors) often reuse techniques or resources, such as IP addresses, hashes, and domains, in multiple attempts to find and exploit vulnerabilities in your systems. Defenders can categorize this data as indicators of compromise (IOCs) and create collections of IOCs in order to look out for potential attacks. These IOC collections are known as threat intelligence.

Automate vulnerability analysis with the Datadog GitHub Action

To enhance and automate your vulnerability analysis, we’re excited to launch the Datadog Vulnerability Analysis GitHub Action. The action enables easy integration between your application, Datadog Continuous Profiler, and Snyk’s vulnerability database to provide actionable security heuristics. The action can be installed directly from the GitHub Marketplace, and does not require you to manage any additional scripts or infrastructure.