Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

October 2021

You've inherited a digital estate plan: Now what?

With each passing year, our digital lives grow in size and complexity. We open new accounts and place more value on the ones we log into and use every day. The trend has led to a rise in digital estate plans – a handover that ensures your friends and family members can take over your most precious accounts after you’ve gone.

Cyber attacks: the risk your small business can't afford

As we’ve all learned, often the hard way, amazing tech has introduced not-so-amazing risks: viruses, hacks, and leaks, to name a few. A data breach or cyber attack can happen at any moment, to individuals or businesses of any size – and attackers do not discriminate.

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Fostering a culture of security with a hybrid workforce

Over the past two years, change has been rapid and widespread in the business world. The pandemic forced a frenzied shift to remote work, and the rushed adoption of new tools, workflows, and communication methods. Now, rather than cram back into the office all at once, many companies are testing the waters of hybrid work - either as a stepping stone or an indefinite transformation.