Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

August 2023

THEY DID WHAT!? Auditing a security breach using Enterprise OPA decision logs and AWS Athena

You will learn how to use the Enterprise OPA Enhanced Decision Logs feature to configure Enterprise OPA (EOPA) to upload decision logs to an AWS S3 bucket so that they can be queried using AWS Athena. In mid to large sized deployments of EOPA, immense quantities of decision logs can be generated, necessitating big data tools such as Athena. This can be useful for security breach auditing, auditing access decisions, and for business intelligence in general.

How to Secure Communication Between Microservices

The migration to microservice architecture from monolithic applications is happening en masse as enterprises realize its scalability and efficiency benefits. According to an IBM report1, 56% of nonuser organizations plan on adopting the microservice architecture by 2023. Breaking an application into small, loosely coupled services lets independent teams quickly design and deploy these components.