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June 2022

Learn OPA Performance on Styra Academy

Styra Academy, our online training portal for free courses on OPA, Rego and Styra Declarative Authorization Service (DA), has a new course available: OPA Performance. The primary purpose for OPA within applications is, of course, fine-grained authorization — that is, who can do what and what can do what. Each user request typically requires one or more authorization decisions to be made.

Enforcing Cloud Resource Policy Guardrails for HashiCorp Terraform Cloud

I’m excited to announce the Styra DAS integration with HashiCorp Terraform Cloud via run tasks is now generally available to Styra DAS users! Users can now enforce cloud resource policy guardrails at every step of the DevOps process, including right before Terraform Cloud applies changes to your cloud resources.

How to Write Your First Rules in Rego, the Policy Language for OPA

Rego is the purpose-built declarative policy language that supports Open Policy Agent (OPA). It’s used to write policy that is easy to read and easy to write. Fundamentally, Rego inspects and transforms data in structured documents, allowing OPA to make policy decisions. Rego was originally inspired by Datalog, a common query language with a decades-long history, but extends its capabilities to support structured document models like JSON.