Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

February 2022

Styra Accelerates Cloud Migration with Cloud-Native Entitlements

I’m excited to announce that today we’ve unleashed Styra Declarative Authorization Service (DAS) for Cloud-Native Entitlements! Organizations are rapidly modernizing and migrating applications to the cloud, but they are often held back by legacy entitlement systems that are not compatible with today's scale and sprawl of cloud-native development models.

CVE-2022-23628, OPA and Styra DAS

CVE-2022-23628 was published last week by the Open Policy Agent (OPA) project maintainers after a user reported unexpected behavior from a policy bundle that was built with optimizations enabled. The problem stemmed from a regression fix in the v0.33.1 release that addressed incorrect pretty-printing of Rego object literals by the `opa fmt` command and the underlying `format` package.

Open Policy Agent 101: A Beginner's Guide

More than 90% of applications will be cloud-native by 2023. As organizations transition from monolithic, on-premise environments to dynamic cloud-based ones, ensuring access control becomes more critical — and complex. That’s why I co-created Open Policy Agent, also known as OPA. OPA unifies policy enforcement across the cloud-native stack.

PCI Compliance in the Age of Cloud Native Tech

The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) entered the scene back in 2004 with the rise of payment fraud. Created by leaders in the credit card industry, PCI DSS was developed to provide a baseline of technical and operational requirements designed to protect cardholder payment data and was commonly understood by those in the legacy security world.