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May 2020

Microservices Authorization: Styra DAS Moves up the Stack

We’ve had an exciting past six months at Styra, from a Series A funding announcement to tremendous growth in the Open Policy Agent (OPA) community to new enhancements to our commercial product, Styra’s Declarative Authorization Service (DAS). All of this great momentum maps to our overarching vision of unifying authorization and policy for the cloud-native environment.

Open Policy Agent: Cloud-native Authorization

Talks focused on Open Policy Agent (OPA) are featured prominently in the agenda for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe—15 OPA-focused sessions were accepted from users at Google, City of Ottawa, Ada Health and more—signaling the importance of authorization in the cloud. While the event and those talks are now on hold until August, that doesn’t mean we should postpone learning more about authorization within applications, across Kubernetes clusters and on top of service mesh.