Keeper Secrets Manager: Remove Hard-Coded Credentials Forever

Keeper Secrets Manager: Remove Hard-Coded Credentials Forever

Oct 5, 2022

Privileged credentials are some of the highest-value targets for cybercriminals – is your organization still hard-coding credentials and putting itself at risk?

Keeper Secrets Manager is a fully managed cloud-based, zero-knowledge platform for securing infrastructure secrets such as API keys, database passwords, access keys, certificates and any type of confidential data.

Watch this recorded webinar to learn how to secure your environment and eliminate secrets sprawl with Keeper Secrets Manager – ​​finally remove hard-coded credentials forever!

During the Webinar, Craig Lurey, CTO and Co-Founder, will cover:

  • What are secrets and what is Secrets Management?
  • ​​Why is Secrets Management Important?
  • What is Keeper Secrets Manager and who is it for?
  • Keeper Secrets Manager deployment and pricing