Introducing Keeper MSP Upgraded Billing Platform

Introducing Keeper MSP Upgraded Billing Platform

Sep 22, 2022

Keeper has updated our MSP platform and licensing to be much more flexible. This allows managed service providers and their managed companies to allocate Keeper licenses to their users and pay for those licenses at the end of the month. While other MSP solutions in the market bill upfront before licenses are allocated to users, Keeper’s new billing model is designed to scale with your MSP business as you add individual managed companies and users.

A few key benefits for our MSP customers include flexibility to respond quickly to changing customer needs, improved MSP client retention through self-serve, license allocation, and greater budget control through in arrears monthly payments.

Keeper provides multiple MSP base plans to best suit a variety of managed company types. "Business" plans are intended for smaller businesses who do not need advanced provisioning capabilities. "Enterprise" plans include advanced provisioning capabilities, including: Active Directory, Single Sign On (SSO), Azure AD and SCIM.

Keeper's Secure Add-Ons provide comprehensive visibility, security and control, all within one unified platform - with zero-trust and zero-knowledge security. Keeper’s Secure Add-Ons include: Secure File Storage, BreachWatch, Compliance Reporting, Our Advanced Reporting and Alerts Module, Dedicated Service and Support, Keeper Secrets Manager, Keeper Connection Manager and KeeperChat.

MSPs can add or remove Secure Add-on features to any base plan at any time for internal use or for their managed companies. Our Keeper Business Plus and Enterprise Plus plans include 1Terabyte of Secure File Storage, BreachWatch and our Advanced Reporting & Alerts Module. Additionally, Keeper Business and Enterprise plans include two basic Reports: "Recent Activity" and "All Security Events".

You'll notice here in the “Roles” tab along with the default "Keeper Administrator" role we’ve added the "MSP Subscription Manager" role. The MSP Subscription Manager’s main function is to manage billing for the MSP. This role has access to the “Subscriptions” tab of the console in order to make changes to the billing method and manage Secure Add-Ons for MSP internal use.

To add a new Managed Company, click the Add Managed Company button and enter the company name and select the managing node if different from the root node. By default, "Allow unlimited license consumption" will be enabled, this allows you to never have to go back into the console and enable more licenses for that MC. To set a limit, deselect the checkbox and enter the maximum number of licenses allowed.

Next, choose a Base Plan from the dropdown and select any Secure-Add Ons you would like to add. You can view what Secure-Add Ons are already included in each Base Plan once you select it. MSPs can add or remove Secure Add-Ons at any time for internal use or for their Managed Companies without having to contact Keeper. When you are finished, click Save.

Keeper maintains visibility on average daily license use for all Managed Companies under Billing Statements. You can filter by billing period, managed company and base plan. Both a daily summary and per managed company view are available.

As you can see here for example, the average daily license use for all managed companies with the “Keeper Enterprise” plan is 59. On August 31st the daily license count was 58 for “Keeper Enterprise” plans. Remember, At the end of the month, daily average license counts are used to calculate the total monthly charges and MSPs are billed only for days that licenses were in use the previous month.

If you want to view license counts for each Managed Company, click the Per Managed Company tab. The company “Archer Medical” for example, is currently enrolled in “Keeper Enterprise Plus” and has a number of Secure Add-Ons. Their average daily license count sits at 8. You can drill further into the statement by clicking the right arrow for more detail on license and Secure Add-On usage.

Just like the base plans, at the end of the month, average daily usage is used to calculate the monthly charges for relevant add-on features. Here, MSPs are provided with a "Daily Average Usage” summary which shows the number of units used to determine monthly charges for their Secure Add-Ons.

Keeper automatically generates a detailed monthly invoice showing all licenses used by the MSP and each Managed Company. Current and past invoices are available to view in the console from the “Subscriptions” tab. Detailed PDFs can be downloaded by clicking on the invoice number and show exact usage by each managed company. All billing cycles are monthly, with bills generated on the first day of the following month...

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