Apono & PagerDuty - "Just in Time" Access for On-Call Teams With Compliance Approval

Apono & PagerDuty - "Just in Time" Access for On-Call Teams With Compliance Approval

Mar 16, 2023

Give on-call teams on-demand "Just-in-Time" granular access they need to resolve incidents in production with Apono's PagerDuty integration.
Apono’s PagerDuty integration will validate that the requester is on duty and will send an approval request to the Compliance on-call group.

  • On-call “Responders” groups can be used to assure only Dev-on-Duty are granted access.
  • On-call “Approvers” groups are synced to maintain compliance requirements, and approval processes.
  • ChatOps approval workflow simplifies permission granting process by utilizing tools already adopted by your organization (Slack, Teams).

Learn more: https://www.apono.io/pagerduty/