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They're Not Just Long Words: Anonymization And Pseudonymization Protect Data-driven Business

Spelling, let alone pronouncing, “anonymization” and “pseudonymization” is just the beginning. Vocabulary, however, will be the least of the challenges for organizations that ignore the business value created through the use of these data protection methods. Anonymization and pseudonymization are two ways to de-identify sensitive data, and each has a distinct purpose in the tightrope balance between fully using and fully protecting data and data privacy.

What's The Difference Between Ach And Nacha?

If you work in a financial organization that operates in the US, you’ll have heard the phrases Nacha and ACH. Together, these entities affect many of the transactions you’re responsible for — and dictate how, why, and when your business accesses sensitive data. But, what exactly are they? And, what’s the difference between the two? Read on to find out.

One Cybersecurity Platform To Rule Them All: Exploring The One Architecture

Enterprises require multiple tools for cyber defense, so network and information security staff often end up managing a patchwork of solutions, a blend of legacy and new technologies. If they find and deploy solutions that solve several business and security problems at once, they can reduce costs, logistics, and headaches while helping the business grow and innovate.

Can You Unlock Data And Eliminate The Risk Of Data Loss?

Companies accumulate massive amounts of data, whether it is intellectual property or customer and employee information. Data is a critical asset: it’s undeniable. If your business users have appropriate access to data, they can perform their jobs more efficiently and effectively, and they can analyze the data to derive key business intelligence that drives better business decisions. But if data isn’t protected from breaches, it can also be a liability.

How Filling Your Cybersecurity Gaps Increases Your Bottom Line

Cyberattack prevention and remediation cost time and money. Are there ways to get a better return on your cybersecurity investments? What business processes or technologies will not only reduce those cyber risks but also save you time or money? This piece addresses those questions with a focus on data breaches.

How Enterprise Efficiency & Cybersecurity Go Hand-in-hand

Without cybersecurity, your organization is vulnerable on many fronts, making it a crucial part of your business operations. But let’s be honest. Everyone knows that cybersecurity can be a cost center and can slow down business processes. That’s why it is important to select and implement data security solutions. These solutions should not only protect your organization but also enable faster, more effective operations, and strategic planning to achieve quarterly and YoY goals.

FORTUNE-Favored Data Protection Services for Financial Institutions

FORTUNE-recognized data privacy and protection solutions allow financial institutions the tools and security to improve data storage, flows, and protected usage within minutes. Discover how Protegrity Vautless Tokenization works wonders for organizations, and check out our finance-catered data protection solutions today.

Protegrity-Freedom To Innovate-Cross-border Data Privacy

Enterprise Data Protection & Privacy Platform for Cross-Border Compliance Why is protecting your data across borders important? For enterprise leaders, executives, and shareholders responsible for data moving across data flows, building a culture of privacy trust through comprehensive coverage establishes credibility, reliability, and growth.