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Knowing your Enemy: Situational Awareness in Cyber Defenses

Most homeowners know that a lock is a good idea as a basic defense against invaders, and leaving the front door unlocked is simply unwise. Unfortunately, when it comes to creating a strong cyber defense it’s not that simple. Attackers have been evolving their intrusion techniques over decades, focused on one goal, relentlessly probing for weaknesses to enter your domain.

CISO Webinar Outlines Trustwave's Journey to Adopting Microsoft E5 Security Offerings

The decision on whether to implement the Microsoft Security offerings available with the Microsoft 365 E5 license certainly involves deep security discussions, but it's also a business decision. In that respect, this process allows security leaders to engage with their CFO and other business leaders to elevate conversations.

Is it Time to Rethink Your Security Stack?

The cybersecurity threat landscape is constantly evolving, requiring organizations to regularly evaluate their security stack to ensure it not only offers the highest level of protection, but is operated by a firm with a long track record of developing, implementing, and properly maintaining the highest quality security tools.

Trustwave Named as a Representative Vendor in the 2024 Gartner Market Guide for Digital Forensics and Incident Response Retainer Services

For the second week in a row, Trustwave proudly announces recognition from the industry analyst firm Gartner. Today, Trustwave is proud to reveal that Gartner has named us as a Representative Vendor in the 2024 Gartner Market Guide for Digital Forensics and Incident Response (DFIR) Retainer Services. This news follows Trustwave's announcement last week stating we were named a Representative Vendor in the 2024 Gartner Market Guide for Managed Detection and Response.

CISOs Stop Struggling! Trustwave Security Colony - Your All-in-One Cybersecurity Arsenal

Few repositories of cybersecurity knowledge are as broad, deep, and widely respected as Trustwave Security Colony. The industry analyst firm IDC has praised Security Colony, which sees clients and others interested in learning more about their cybersecurity posture download thousands of resources every month, much of which is available for free. IDC deemed this information so important that, in a recent report, it named Security Colony a "differentiator" from others in the field.

De-Risk Technology Transitions and Save Money with Trustwave

With all the issues happening in cybersecurity technology lately, such as CrowdStrike’s software update that caused massive outages worldwide last week, it behooves all organizations to take a serious look at their security stack with an eye toward paring it down to help reduce your threat landscape.

Cloudy with a Chance of Hackers: Protecting Critical Cloud Workloads

For many enterprises, cloud resources are becoming the data center's core. As these resources grow, it can be difficult for IT staff to keep up with daily administrative tasks, let alone learn the skills to provide security protections. So, how does one protect a variety of workloads in the cloud without having to worry about security misconfigurations?

How Cybercriminals Use Breaking News for Phishing Attacks

Trustwave SpiderLabs issued a warning that threat actors may attempt to take advantage of CrowdStrike’s software update that caused widespread outages by using the news as the center of a social engineering scheme to convince people to open malicious phishing emails or fall for other types of attacks. Using this news cycle is nothing new.

Trustwave Named in 2024 Gartner Market Guide for Managed Detection and Response (MDR)

For the second consecutive year, Trustwave has been named a Representative Vendor in the 2024 Gartner Market Guide for Managed Detection and Response. "We are honored Gartner has yet again named Trustwave a Representative Vendor for MDR," said Trustwave CEO Eric Harmon. "It is well understood that organizations today face a wide variety of threats that are best combatted by a world-class team of analysts and researchers like Trustwave SpiderLabs.

6 Steps on How to Respond to a Data Breach Before it Ruins Your Business

Too many consumers have awoken one morning to find messages from a retailer or their bank detailing purchases made through their account of which they were unaware. While the realization that they have been hacked will cause some well-deserved panic for the account holder, it usually only takes a few phone calls to cancel purchases, change a password, and cancel a credit card to put a stop to the problem.