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Forward Networks

Forward Networks Wins Mobile Breakthrough Awards' Enterprise Cloud Computing Software of the Year for the Fifth Consecutive Year

Mobile Breakthrough Awards has named Forward Networks the winner of its “2024 Enterprise Cloud Computing Software of the Year” award. This is Forward Networks’ fifth consecutive award win for Enterprise Cloud Computing from Mobile Breakthrough’s Award program.

Enhanced Vulnerability Analysis with Forward Networks + Tenable Technology Partnership

Proactive Vulnerability Detection: Security teams rely on vulnerability scanners to discover vulnerabilities, crucial for maintaining network integrity. Regular scanning is essential for a strong security posture. Data Overload: While vulnerability reports are valuable, they often contain excessive information, making it difficult to derive actionable insights.

Is it Possible to See a Full Cloud Inventory in a Single View?

Join networking professionals Mike Lossman and Chris Naish as they discuss how to efficiently manage cloud inventory across AWS, Azure, and GCP cloud platforms using Forward Networks. Keeping tabs on cloud environments can be an arduous process requiring engineers to log into each cloud to gather inventory data. Chris shows how to create a centralized dashboard with Forward Networks, aggregating and filtering information from all three clouds, allowing users to view data like compute instances, VPCs, and subnets in a single location.

5 Ways a Network Digital Twin Can Revolutionize CVE Compliance

In the rapidly evolving cybersecurity landscape, the sheer volume of Common Vulnerability and Exposure (CVE) notices has become a daunting challenge for SecOps teams. In 2023 alone, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) issued 28,901 CVE notices, reflecting the growing complexity and intensity of potential threats.

Effective Network Operations Require a Digital Twin Platform, Not a Toolbox

Tool sprawl is an expensive aspect of technical debt. IDC recently found that 43% of organizations doing business in the Americas have 500 or more software applications in their portfolios today (Application Services — Worldwide Regions, 2023, IDC #US50490416, April 2023). In the area of monitoring and observability tools alone, 50% of companies reported having between 11 and 40 tools.

Navigating the Challenges of CVE Management: Strategies for Effective Vulnerability Management

In today's rapidly evolving cybersecurity landscape, managing Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs) is a critical yet increasingly complex task. As organizations scale their digital footprints, the sheer volume and diversity of vulnerabilities they must contend with have grown exponentially. This surge in potential threats, compounded by the sophisticated tactics employed by cyber adversaries, makes CVE management a required but complicated endeavor.

Get Visibility Into the Cloud: Craig and Mike Secure the World, One Cloud at a Time

Mike Lossmann and Craig Johnson discuss enhancing cloud visibility for an upcoming audit, demonstrating how to ensure security in cloud environments. Highlights Craig explains the importance of knowing the cloud’s security posture. Forward Enterprise shows full multi-cloud visibility between cloud zones. Analysis reveals potential security gaps. Querying the entire cloud model identifies misconfigurations. Historical data allows for forensic analysis post-breach. Users can prepare for audits without last-minute scrambling.

Navigating the New Era of ISO 27001: Insights for IT and Security Leaders

In our border and perimeter free world, connected infrastructure becomes more and more complex. Security tools need to keep up by adjusting to the new application delivery models and adapting to the shifting threat environment. That's why the recent update to the ISO 27001 compliance standard is so pivotal — it introduces new controls around data security, DevOps, and network security to help future-proof our cybersecurity strategies.

How a Network Digital Twin Prevents Change-Related Outages

In today's rapidly evolving IT landscape, effective change management is crucial for maintaining network stability and performance, but many organizations lack a consistent change process. Lack of process often leads to unintended consequences, such as outages and performance degradation. A network digital twin offers a transformative solution to these challenges by streamlining change management processes and providing pre- and post-change verification to enhance operational efficiency.