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Automated Threat Hunting: A Closer Look

Proactively finding and eliminating advanced threats through threat hunting is a growing necessity for many organizations, yet few have enough resources or skilled employees to do it effectively. For those who do have an active threat hunting program, the process is often manual and time consuming. With cloud security automation, however, you can implement rules that automatically adjust your security policies based on the latest threat data.

What Is Identity Lifecycle Management?

If you help to manage cloud environments, you’re probably familiar with the concept of identity lifecycle management. Identity lifecycle management helps you keep track of who is allowed to do what within your cloud. But merely understanding identity lifecycle management isn’t enough to administer modern cloud identities effectively. You also need a way to automate identity lifecycle management at massive scale.

Seamlessly Secure Your Cloud Workloads

You’ve secured your cloud identities. You’ve hardened your cloud security posture. You’ve configured strong cloud access controls. But there’s still one more thing you need in order to secure your cloud environment: a cloud workload protection platform, or CWPP. Cloud workload protection platforms secure the workloads that run on your cloud — which are distinct from the infrastructure, user identities and configurations that form the foundation of your cloud environment.

Automatically Add IP Addresses to a Penalty Box in Cloudflare with Torq

Good security may come from strong defenses, but strong security comes from a good offense. This is especially true for network security, where minutes can make the difference between a breach and a near miss. For example, if an unknown IP address triggers an alert for suspicious or abusive behavior, the faster you can isolate and block that address, the less likely it is that the person or entity at the other end can do damage.

Modern Security Operations Center Framework

With agile development, the software development life cycle has evolved, with a focus on customer satisfaction to enhance product features based on user feedback. This helps shorten the time to market, since teams can release a minimally viable product, then continuously improve its features. The agile technique encourages team cooperation through sprints, daily standups, retrospectives, testing, quality assurance and deployment.

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5 Challenges to Security Operations Strategies

Do you love SecOps in theory, but just can't seem to make it work in practice? Or, maybe you've already implemented a security operations strategy to some degree within your organization, but struggle to make IT operations and security jive as seamlessly as you would like? Either way, there's a good chance that your troubles stem from one or more of the common barriers to SecOps strategies. This article explains why businesses often fail at implementing SecOps successfully and how they can work around the roadblocks.

Vulnerability Management - Intro to Torq Webinar

As recent vulnerabilities like log4j have shown, having a standardized approach to identifying vulnerabilities and applying patches is essential to organizations looking to keep their systems safe from exploits. Whether it's preventative maintenance or responding to new 0-days, a continuous vulnerability management program ensures that security teams can rapidly identify risks and work cross-functionally to deploy patches and verify successful remediation.

Automated Just-In-Time Permissions Using JumpCloud+Torq

For security teams, properly managing which users can access resources and governing the level of access those users have is about as basic as locking the door at night. Understandably then, there are thousands of options available to fine-tune or revoke access, and it’s likely that issues come up daily for most companies—if not hourly.

Automated Zero Trust: The Only Thing to Put Your Trust in

There’s no question that centralized identity and access management (IAM) helps companies reduce risk and prevent attacks. But, as this week’s Okta attack shows, centralized IAM doesn’t eliminate all risks. Attackers with access to IAM data can use this information to easily access downstream systems or modify permissions to grant elevated access to malicious parties.