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AT&T Cybersecurity

Just released! AT&T Cybersecurity Insights Report: 5G and the Journey to the Edge

We are certainly in unique times, with COVID driving digital transformation at an unprecedented pace, remote work appearing to be long term, and the specter of new threats looming over security professionals as they strategized how to protect a rapidly changing business and tech landscape. To use perhaps one too many cliches: it is the best of times, it is the worst of times, the times are a changin’, and a change will do you good. No really, it will.

Could electric vehicles present a Cybersecurity risk to the grid?

With many countries now participating in the Paris Agreement to address climate change, coupled with the rising popularity of electric vehicles, it is expected that 125 million electric cars will be on the road worldwide by 2030. But these cars, although beneficial to the environment, come with cybersecurity risks. According to experts, security concerns should be addressed before a massive rollout of electric vehicles take place.

Two cybersecurity hygiene actions to improve your digital life in 2021

It is that time of year again where we start planning resolutions for the coming year. A good start is putting cybersecurity on the top of the list whether you are a business or individual. According to a University of Maryland study, Hackers attack every 39 seconds, on average 2,244 times a day. It may be even higher now that more of us are working remotely because of Covid19 and the attack surface has greatly expanded in numbers and vulnerability.

How to secure a Kubernetes cluster

More and more organizations are adopting Kubernetes, but they’re encountering security challenges along the way. In the fall 2020 edition of its “State of Container and Kubernetes Security” report, for instance, StackRox found that nearly 91% of surveyed organizations had adopted Kubernetes, with a majority (75%) of participants revealing that they had deployed the container orchestration platform into their production environments.

What is Vizom malware? Everything you need to know

Security researchers working with IBM Security recently uncovered a new malware code that is being used to attack online banking users in Brazil. Referred to as ‘Vizom’ by the team, the code utilizes remote overlay attacks to siphon sensitive financial data and make fraudulent transactions from victims bank accounts.

The perfect storm: How digital transformation is reshaping security and networking

Think back to the end of 2019. Enterprises were evolving IT infrastructure at a moderate pace to reduce costs, be more competitive, and improve their ability to adapt to an increasingly digitized world. Whether migrating workloads to the cloud, virtualizing network functions, diversifying mobility, or moving applications and services closer to the edge, digital transformation was steadily evolving the business landscape.

What is Third-Party Risk Management?

Creating and maintaining relationships with third parties brings about multiple risks. Whether your organization is large or small, it’s almost certain that you have business relationships with many third parties for specific types of operations. When operational data and confidential information are exchanged with third parties, that data and information are vulnerable to misuse and exploitation. This is where risk comes into the equation.

5 questions every higher-ed security leader should ask

In the day and age of COVID-19 we have witnessed a transformation of the way we work. If I were asked before March of 2020 how long it would take to make the progress in digital and security transformation that we as a society have made in the last 9 months, I would have guessed at least 5 years. The rate of adoption in the face of the pandemic has been unprecedented. Nowhere have the changes required to make remote working come on faster than with education.

What is unified endpoint management? UEM explained

The business world is undergoing its most dramatic shift yet with the adoption of digital assets and workforce decentralization representing a huge business opportunity. These changes have led to added endpoints, or devices connecting to the network, and is enabling this transformation. But managing the volumes of these diverse endpoints and geographic locations has grown in complexity.