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AT&T Cybersecurity

Combining IT and OT security for enhanced cyber risk management

Historically, IT and OT have operated in separate worlds, each with distinct goals and protocols. IT, shaped by the digital age, has always emphasized the protection of data integrity and confidentiality. In this space, a data breach can lead to significant consequences, making it crucial to strengthen digital defenses. On the other hand, OT, a legacy of the Industrial Revolution, is all about ensuring machinery and processes run without interruptions.

Fortifying your wireless network: A comprehensive guide to defend against wireless attacks

In our increasingly interconnected world, wireless networks have become the lifeblood of modern communication and productivity. However, this convenience comes with a price – the heightened risk of wireless attacks. In this in-depth blog, we will delve into the technical intricacies of safeguarding your network against wireless threats. Armed with this knowledge, you can confidently defend your wireless infrastructure against potential attackers.

Ensuring vendor integrity: Why the cloud shouldn't be your only backup

As a senior consultant I deal with customers across numerous industries and maturity levels. I am often engaged in conducting risk assessments or gap analysis aligned with common frameworks such as the National Institute for Standards and Technology’s (NIST) Cybersecurity Framework (CSF). Most, if not all, the frameworks have a few controls that focus on the organization’s backup processes and disaster recovery plans.

Beyond the firewall: Navigating SaaS security challenges

In today's digital age, businesses have witnessed a profound shift in how they operate. Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solutions have become the backbone of many organizations, offering flexibility and scalability. While firewalls remain an essential part of cybersecurity, securing your digital assets in the SaaS realm is a multifaceted challenge.

Get the AT&T Cybersecurity Insights Report: Focus on Manufacturing

We’re pleased to announce the availability of the 2023 AT&T Cybersecurity Insights Report: Focus on Manufacturing. The report examines the edge ecosystem, surveying manufacturing IT leaders from around the world, and provides benchmarks for assessing your edge computing plans. This is the 12th edition of our vendor-neutral and forward-looking report.

From one realm to another: Ensuring data protection in a cloud migration

In today's digital landscape, businesses are embracing the transformative power of cloud migration. Shifting operations from on-premises systems to cloud environments promises unprecedented benefits in scalability, cost-efficiency, and agility.

Unmasking antiforensics techniques: Strategies for effective defense

In the world of digital forensics, where experts meticulously analyze digital evidence to uncover the truth, a counterforce known as "antiforensics" seeks to conceal, manipulate, or destroy this evidence. Antiforensics techniques aim to evade detection and analysis, posing a significant challenge for forensic investigators. In this comprehensive blog, we will explore the realm of antiforensics, understand its techniques, and discuss strategies to effectively defend against them.

Getting ready for a post-quantum world

Under Data Encryption, the CISA Zero Trust Maturity Model v2.0 cites the criticality of “cryptographic agility” on the third (out of four) level of maturity. Cryptographic agility is the ability to change the underlying cryptographic algorithms in applications and communications channels. I believe this highlights the importance for organizations to be able to pivot their encryption algorithms to a post-quantum cryptographic world.

Eco-hacks: The intersection of sustainability and cyber threats

Environmental sustainability is more important than ever before for organizations across all sectors. Sustainability concerns including geopolitics, future-focused developments, advanced ESG reporting, and building sustainability into supply chains going forward are all significant trends shaping businesses in 2023 and beyond.

Resilient networks: Building blocks of modern Cybersecurity architecture

In today's interconnected digital landscape, where data flows like a river through intricate networks, the importance of cybersecurity has never been more pronounced. As our reliance on digital networks grows, so do the threats that seek to exploit vulnerabilities in these very networks. This is where the concept of resilient networks steps in, acting as the guardians of our digital realms.