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Quick Kubernetes SBOM Integration: Secure Your Cluster with SBOM Observer in a few seconds

Discover the fastest way to enhance your Kubernetes security and compliance! With SBOM Observer's new Kubernetes integration, you can generate and upload SBOMs for your entire cluster in just a few seconds using our CLI. This approach offers a holistic SBOM-centric overview, enabling vulnerability detection and management across environments. Level up your cybersecurity strategy today and ensure your environments remain compliant.

Freeze policy - Make your private registry read-only to prevent changes

Guide on how to use Bytesafe Freeze policy to control the open source software versions to what's available in an npm registry. Want to get consistent results when using npm install? Use Freeze and lock available dependencies to the ones you selected and approved. Consistent results, regardless of who runs the installation of dependencies, when in time and regardless of the environment or system.