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Remediation Requests within RIsk Assessments Demo with Senior Product Manager, Chris Schubert

Hear from UpGuard's Senior Product Manager, Chris Schubert, as he introduces you to UpGuard's new Remediation Requests within Risk Assessments feature. You can now also send remediation requests from within risk assessments, enabling you to track the progress of each item under remediation and have a record of the remediation request embedded directly into the point-in-time risk assessment.

Vendor Portfolios Demo with UpGuard's Product Marketing Lead, Harsh Budholiya

Learn from UpGuard's Product Marketing Lead, Harsh Budholiya, as he introduces you to UpGuard's new Vendor Portfolios feature. Vendor portfolios provide security teams greater control over user permissions by giving them the ability to define access to all or selected portfolios for each user on the platform based on their role in the organization.

Jira Integration Demo with UpGuard's Product Marketing Manager, Annie Luu

Hear from UpGuard's Product Marketing Manager, Annie Luu, as she introduces you to UpGuard's new Jira Integration feature. UpGuard's Jira integration plugs directly into your workflow management, giving you the flexibility to present only the information you want to the relevant people to address security risks promptly. =========== CHAPTERS:=========== Interested in finding out more about UpGuard?