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Forescout - Security is a Journey Shared

Security teams across the globe face many challenges, not the least of which is trying to deal with an explosion in the number of digital assets while facing a shortage of cybersecurity personnel. You don’t need more security products; you need a force multiplier – a platform that makes your team more effective and able to focus on what matters.

How To: Mitigate Log4j Vulnerabilities with the Forescout Platform

Learn how to detect vulnerable managed assets with eyeSight and potentially exploited endpoints with eyeInspect. To download the latest Security Policy Templates, login to the Customer Support Portal. For the latest IOC / Industrial Threat Library - Please log into the Forescout OT/ICS portal.

NUCLEUS:13 - Dissecting the Nucleus TCP/IP stack

In the fifth study of Project Memoria – NUCLEUS:13 – Forescout Research Labs and Medigate identified a set of 13 new vulnerabilities affecting the Nucleus TCP/IP stack. Nucleus is currently owned by Siemens. Its original release was in 1993 and, since then, it has been deployed in many industry verticals with safety and security requirements such as medical devices, automotive, and industrial systems. Upon identification of the new vulnerabilities, Forescout Research Labs and Medigate collaborated with Siemens, CISA, CERT/CC and other agencies to confirm the findings and notify vendors.