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Risk-Based Authentication to Adopt Zero-Trust Security in Your Organization

Risk-based authentication both enhances security and user experience by allowing you to rank the resources you want to protect based on risk level and type of user. This gives you the power to create rules that are unique to the security structure in your organization, therefore enabling more flexibility or higher protection only when necessary.

Defeating Ransomware with Unified Security from WatchGuard

Ransomware is one of the most talked about and publicized security threats in the modern era. What started as a few high-profile attacks caused by a handful of malware variants has developed into a virulent threat landscape in which increasingly unskilled attackers are able to execute highly effective ransomware campaigns against organizations of all sizes and levels of complexity. Small-to-midsize businesses disproportionately fall victim to ransomware, as they often lack the technical skills and tools needed to prevent infection.

Defining, Evaluating, and Designing Best-in-Class Network Security

Cyber attacks grab headlines almost daily. WatchGuard's award-winning network security platform not only provides one of the most complete suites of unified security controls on the market today to detect and prevent these attacks, but our strategy of sourcing the best scanning engines to integrate with our built-in defenses boosts security in critical attack areas. Take a closer look at the WatchGuard security platform's all-star team of best-in-class threat management services.

Deploying Zero-Trust Networks in the Era of COVID-19

The coronavirus pandemic has exposed business continuity inadequacies at many organizations, and highlighted the slow pace of progress in digital transformation. This new reality necessitates a departure from a traditional network-centric security model that assumes every device and user within the network should be trusted. In this eBook we will explore how the dynamics of COVID-19 have impacted security, outline the importance of a zero-trust approach, and discuss how WatchGuard can help your business deliver the security you need during these trying times.

Meeting PCI DSS Merchant Requirements with WatchGuard UTM, Total Security, Multi-Factor Authentication, And Wireless Solutions

If you are in the retail or hospitality industries, it's important to know exactly how your network security solution maps to PCI DSS standards. This white paper presents a straight-forward review of PCI requirements and how the WatchGuard platform delivers the capabilities you need to ensure mandates are met.

Deploying Zero-Trust Networks in the Era of COVID-19: A Guide for Service Providers

The coronavirus pandemic has exposed business continuity inadequacies at many organizations, and highlighted the slow pace of progress in digital transformation. This new reality necessitates a departure from a traditional network-centric security model that assumes every device and user within the network should be trusted.