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What is a Cybersecurity Assessment?

Routine cybersecurity assessments are a crucial component of a holistic risk management program. Your organization must keep an eye on the cyber hygiene of its entire ecosystem, including third- and fourth-party vendors, at all times. A cybersecurity risk assessment allows you to do this by identifying the cyber risks that affect your security posture, which leads to more informed decision-making on how best to allocate funds, implement security controls, and protect the network.

Domain (in)security: the state of DMARC

As people have grown comfortable with e-commerce and email correspondence, the techniques of scammers have become increasingly sophisticated and hard to detect. Many of us have heard of phishing attacks, in which bad actors coerce people into handing over sensitive information. These are usually carried out by impersonating a trusted third party – and overwhelmingly through email (Deloitte, 2020).

How to Perform A Cybersecurity Risk Analysis in 2024

Risk analysis is defined as the process of identifying, reviewing, and analyzing any existing or potential cybersecurity risks that could negatively impact a business. Performing a cybersecurity risk analysis helps your company identify, manage, and safeguard data, information, and assets that could be vulnerable to a cyber attack. Such an analysis helps to identify systems and resources, determine the risk, and create a plan for security controls that can help protect your company.

Determining Your Cyber Risk Quantification

In the modern digital landscape, understanding and managing cyber risk is crucial for organizations of all sizes. That means you need to quantify risks, to understand which ones need priority attention. Quantifying cyber risk allows your organization to make informed decisions about where to allocate resources, how to prioritize security initiatives, and how to talk about risk with stakeholders.

3 Ways to Improve Your Website Security for 2024

In today’s digital landscape, where a robust online presence is fundamental to success, robust website security is an imperative. That said, as we venture into 2024, the digital frontier is rife with sophisticated threats that shift constantly, demanding more resilient defenses for your virtual domain. This blog is a guide through the intricate web of cybersecurity, offering a deep dive into current security challenges and strategic insights to shield your site effectively.

In-Depth Review: How SecurityScorecard Stacks Up Against UpGuard in 2024

In the dynamic world of cybersecurity, choosing the right platform can be pivotal for an organization’s digital safety. As we delve into 2024, two major players, SecurityScorecard and UpGuard, continue to make waves. This in-depth review compares these two companies and highlights how SecurityScorecard’s offerings often outshine those of UpGuard.

Evaluating Cybersecurity Tools: SecurityScorecard vs UpGuard's Strengths and Weaknesses in 2024

In the rapidly evolving field of cybersecurity, choosing the right tool can be a game-changer for businesses. As we move into 2024, two major players stand out: SecurityScorecard and UpGuard. Let’s delve into a comprehensive comparison of their services, pricing, and notable features to understand their strengths and weaknesses.

Developing an Effective NIST Disaster Recovery Policy and Template

In an era where cyber threats are increasingly sophisticated and unpredictable, prioritizing risk management has become critical. Cybersecurity breaches, whether from malware, ransomware, or other attacks, can inflict substantial damage on your organization’s infrastructure and reputation. However, it’s not just about cyber threats.

Compliance Risk Assessment Tools to Use

In today’s ever-evolving business landscape, the ability to achieve and maintain regulatory compliance is crucial for business success. All companies, regardless of size, face an array of regulations and standards that demand diligent oversight and management. This is where compliance risk assessments come into play.