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Security Orchestration Use Case: How to Automate Incident Severity Assignment?

Is your CSIRT team facing too many security alerts? Is your SOC has various security products that are jumbled together? Are you worried about setting the sensitivity of each product? How a severity level should be assigned to each imminent incident? These questions are hard to answer by today’s security professionals. However, security orchestration plays a crucial role in helping experts to address these questions.

Latest Version of Tripwire IP360 Now Certified To Meet Most Current Common Criteria Certification Standards

Tripwire has demonstrated its ongoing commitment to meeting U.S. government and internationally recognized security standards by achieving the most current Common Criteria standards for its latest version of Tripwire IP360’s 9.0.1, specifying the certification as “Evaluation Assurance Level 2 augmented with Flaw Remediation” (EAL2+).

Who Would You Hire in Your SOC?

I got curious about what kind of people are most desired in a Security Operations Center (SOC). I wondered how accepting InfoSec blue teamers would be to having a team member with a great attitude and system administration or network management skills, versus someone with deep InfoSec knowledge and skills. So I did a poll on Twitter to learn more.

How SOAR helps a Security Operations Centre?

In the previous post, we discussed the basics of SOAR – Security Orchestration, Automation, and Response and how it is becoming a must-have for businesses across the globe. In this post, we will continue our discussion with how an SOAR solution can help an SOC in improvising its operations. Our experts have identified the following ways in which an SOAR solution proves to be beneficial for a business...

Observability and Visibility in DevSecOps

Companies often turn to software as a solution when they need to solve a problem. Whether it’s to automate or enhance a task, or gain valuable information in an easily consumable fashion. The same is true for security teams on both sides of the red and blue line. Security professionals build tools to automate exploitation, detect attacks, or process large amounts of data into a usable form.

Why Your SOC Needs More Than a SIEM Tool

Cybercrime is becoming more sophisticated by the day. Meanwhile, the price for a breach due to damage and disruption, ransom payments and regulatory fines, is increasing. No wonder there’s more of a need than ever for companies to set up a dedicated SOC using SIEM to identify threats and raise the alarm. But is that enough to fight the hackers?

How Can Logs Be Useful?

From performance information to fault and intrusion detection, logs can provide you a lot more things with regard to what is happening on your systems and network along with the timestamps and order of the events. Logs can be invaluable for resource management, instruction detection, and troubleshooting. More importantly, logs can provide an admissible evidence for forensic purposes in the aftermath of an incident. The following sections provide a deep dive into some use-cases of logs.

Considering Architecture When Building a SOC

SOC architecture is a vital component to consider when building an effective and reliable SOC. It includes the consideration of SOC locations and centralization, SOC architecture and organizational size, SOC staffing, and SOC mixing up with a cloud. The subsequent sections delve into these essential points in great details.

What Makes SOC Effective? People, Process, and Technology

In the evolving world of technology, cybersecurity threats are growing exponentially and, therefore, enterprises are seeking for standardized and automated Security Operation Centers (SOCs) to address these threats effectively. Though SOC standardization and Automation is of paramount importance, yet there are some other critical factors that must be considered when building an effective and reliable SOC.