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What is NERC? Everything you need to know

Electric grids are part of every nation’s critical infrastructure. Every societal activity and business depends on reliable and safe electricity distribution. The US electric grid is a huge network of powerlines, distribution hubs, and renewable and non-renewable energy generators that is increasingly exposed to cyber-physical risks due to the accelerated reliance on cyber-enabled systems and IoT-connected devices, such as smart meters.

Fighting AI Cybercrime with AI Security

On August 10th, the Pentagon introduced "Task Force Lima," a dedicated team working to bring Artificial Intelligence (AI) into the core of the U.S. defense system. The goal is to use AI to improve business operations, healthcare, military readiness, policy-making, and warfare. Earlier in August, the White House announced a large cash prize for individuals or groups that can create AI systems to defend important software from cyberattacks.

ICS Environments and Patch Management: What to Do If You Can't Patch

The evolution of the cyber threat landscape highlights the need for organizations to strengthen their ability to identify, analyze, and evaluate cyber risks before they evolve into security incidents. Known unpatched vulnerabilities are often exploited by criminals to penetrate Industrial Control Systems (ICS) environments and disrupt critical operations.

ZeroFont trick makes users think that message has been scanned for threats

It's nothing new for cybercriminals to use sneaky HTML tricks in their attempt to infect computers or dupe unsuspecting recipients into clicking on phishing links. Spammers have been using a wide variety of tricks for years in an attempt to get their marketing messages past anti-spam filters and in front of human eyeballs. It's enough to make you wish that email clients didn't support HTML at all, and that every message had to be in plaintext email.

What Does Secure by Design Actually Mean?

In this era shaped by digital innovation, the concept of Secure by Design is a critical safeguard against cyber threats. Read on to delve into the essence of Secure by Design and its profound relevance in today's technology landscape. As cyberattacks grow more sophisticated, comprehending the proactive principles behind secure design is paramount to ensuring a resilient and protected digital future.

The Cost of Cybercrime in the US: Facts and Figures

The importance of cybersecurity is no secret in our increasingly digital world. Even individuals who have no experience or expertise in tech or related fields are aware of the threat of hacking, phishing, and the like. It can be difficult, however, to actually quantify the risks of being targeted by these attacks.

Defending against DDoS Attacks: What you need to know

Patience is one of those time-dependent, and often situational circumstances we experience. Few things define relativity better than patience. Think of the impatience of people who have to wait ten minutes in a line at a gas station, yet the thought of waiting ten minutes for a perfectly brewed cup of coffee seems entirely reasonable. It can’t be about the cost, since even the smallest cup of coffee is equal to, if not more expensive than a gallon of gasoline.

Understanding Malicious Package Attacks and Defense Strategies for Robust Cybersecurity

Malicious packages consist of software embedded with code that is capable of causing harm to an entire system or network. This is a rapidly growing threat affecting open-source software and the software supply chain. This attack method has seen a nearly 12,000% increase from 2022 to 2023, as reported by Synk. Some reasons include its technical feasibility, the potential for high returns, and the widespread distribution of open-source offerings, Common types of malicious packages encompass.