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The Evolution Of Cybersecurity Over The Decades

For almost as long as there have been computers, there have been people who want to get the information from the computers of others. As such, the history of cybersecurity follows very much step-by-step with the history of modern computing. In 2021, just as computing is an essential part of everyday life, cybersecurity has been a vital investment that every business or organisation needs. When the world's largest companies and even its richest countries' infrastructure can be vulnerable to cybercriminals, it shows that anyone can fall victim to data breaches.
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12 Hybrid Cloud Security Threats That You Can Fix

When it comes to having a safe and secure multiple-cloud architecture, you'll need a hybrid cloud security mindset, which focuses on securing data wherever it may be. When done correctly, a hybrid cloud (private and public) can help make your company more productive while saving money. However, a secure hybrid cloud requires a well-thought-out plan, and plenty of focus on encryption and data access control. With that said, here are 12 of the most tedious security threats in hybrid cloud security that you can actually fix.