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Cybersecurity Awareness - Protecting Your Digital Identity

Perhaps you have recently seen some shocking statistics concerning the prevalence of identity theft, or perhaps you have a close friend who has gone through a terrible and stressful fraud situation. Even worse, you could already be familiar with the terrifying consequences of identity theft. Whatever the situation, you probably feel helpless to take any action to safeguard yourself. You’re not alone; this feeling is widespread.

Money Laundering in the Metaverse: NFTs, DeFi

According to a recent analysis, 17 million Ethereum transactions between Q4 2017 and Q1 2022 were associated with both criminal and licit operations. The overall cyber money laundering activities increased by 30% in 2021 compared to 2020, with hackers laundering a total of US$8.6 billion in cryptocurrencies.

What is Customer Due Diligence? How do you use KYC checks to comply?

Financial organizations employ the process of customer due diligence to gather and assess pertinent data about current and prospective clients. By analyzing data from many sources, it seeks to identify any possible risks to the financial institution associated with doing business with a certain organization or person.

How is AI bias contained in Identity Verification Solutions?

In the context of digital onboarding, demographic features such as ethnicity, age, gender, socioeconomic circumstances, and even camera/device quality might affect the software’s capacity to match one face to a database of faces i.e. AI Bias. The quality and resilience of the underlying database in various sorts of surveillance might feed bias in the AI models. Biometrics are used in modern face recognition software to map facial traits from an image or video.

How Identity Verification Technology can help replace passwords

Passwords are difficult to remember and have ever-more-complex criteria set by individual platforms. They are also the main culprits for data leaks. 85% of data breaches are caused by human mistakes, and credential compromise is a key contributing element, according to the 2021 Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report. With AI enabled technologies like Face ID, more and more companies and users are opting for Identity Verification over traditional password verification.

Digital Identity trends: 3 Important questions you must be asking in 2023

The constantly envisioned digital world is now here; The age of digital change for companies of all sizes and industries worldwide was sparked by the pandemic. This digital sprint has given rise to spontaneous inadequate structures for digital identity management and digital onboarding while also creating various issues to be solved in Identity Verification processes.

5 ways to Prevent Fraud against CNP Transactions

Digitalization has catapulted customer purchasing transactions to an unprecedented level. Online transaction payment methods have become so convenient that they have led to an unstoppable buying spree by consumers. These days there is nothing that can stop a desirous buyer from purchasing, probably not even when ‘he is not carrying plastic money or cash, as he has the option to pay using card data.

Everything about the Online Skill Based Gaming Laws in India

According to a recent government assessment, India needs a regulatory body to oversee and categorise online gambling websites. The study, which was created by a committee of senior officials under Prime Minister Narendra Modi, advocated for involvement and tougher categorization of India’s online gaming industry.

Digital Insurance: Why is Digital Customer Onboarding crucial for the Insurance Industry?

A 2020 survey of European insurance executives showed that some 89 percent of participants expected digitization in the insurance sector, this silver lines the existing process in the adoption of digital channels by the insurance sector. The insurance sector has been under pressure to enhance its online insurance market for some time now.