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CVE-2021-44228: Log4J2 Remote Code Execution

On Dec. 9, 2021, a remote code execution (RCE) vulnerability in Apache log4j 2 was identified, (Dubbed “Log4Shell” by researchers), affecting massive amounts of servers all over the world. As this vulnerability gains high traction worldwide, it’s important to note, that not only internet facing java applications are vulnerable, as user input can traverse to another non-internet facing machines and exploit these as well.

Emotet is Back in the Game

Known to be one of the most useful popular and dangerous threats, Emotet, firstly seen in 2014, is a Malware-as-a-Service (MaaS), that used to operate as a banking trojan targeting banks in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Since 2017, Emotet has done a shift into a loader and took parts in campaigns, setting up for Trickbot delivery, deployment of ransomware such as Conti and Ryuk, and other malwares such as QuakBot, Azorult, SilentNight and more.

Phishing operators abuse bank APIs to improve phishing TTPs

True Login phishing kits are continuously being developed by threat actors to improve their TTPs in luring victims. By using true login kits, the phishing operators have a higher chance of making potential victims believe they are logging into the real website. True login kit developers are abusing publicly available APIs of the banking company to be able to query login information to be shown to potential victims, in turn luring the victim even further into the operations.

Masslogger Stealer

Cyberint Research observed several unsolicited malicious email (malspam) campaigns in August 2021 through which Masslogger was delivered. First noticed around April 2020, Masslogger is a popular.NET credential stealer used to gather credentials from victims for various applications, and is readily available to purchase on cybercriminal forums for around $100 (US).

Redline Stealer

First observed in 2020 and advertised on various cybercriminal forums as a 'Malware-as-a-Service' (MaaS) threat, Redline is an information stealer mainly targeting Windows' victim credentials and cryptocurrency wallets, as well as Browser information, FTP connections, game chat launchers, and OS information such as system hardware, processes names, time zone, IP, geolocation information, OS version, and default language.

LockBit Ransomware hits again

Launched in September 2019 and formerly known as 'ABCD', LockBit is a ransomware-as-a-service (RaaS) threat that was updated in June 2021 and improved on the group’s earlier claims of having the fastest encryption process on the ransomware scene (Figure 1). Much like other RaaS offerings, LockBit operates an affiliate profit sharing program in which up-to eighty percent of a ransom payment can be earned whilst the operators claim the remainder.